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Contribute without coding

There are many ways to contribute to the Medplum community without coding in 5-10 minutes.

We welcome all who are interested to participate. This page includes pointers and instructions.

Join our online community

We have several online venues where Medplum community members and team members convene.

  1. Star the Medplum Github Repo
  2. Join our Discord - and introduce yourself
  3. Subscribe to Medplum on LinkedIn
  4. Follow Medplum on Twitter
  5. Subscribe to our Youtube Channel

File Bug Reports

If you see something, say something. Please file an issue in our GitHub repository. We appreciate specific details.

Improve our Documentation

Did you learn how to do something using Medplum but it wasn't obvious on first try? Please contribute to our documentation!

Our documentation is hosted on, but it is built from markdown files that live in our Github repository.

If you open the documentation on you won't need to clone the repository.

Spread the word and participate

Help us reach and engage people passionate about building healthcare software.

  1. Let us know your thoughts on Github Discussions
  2. Share our blog posts
  3. Share code, posts, videos or other content in relevant online forums for example, /r/healthIT, /r/selfhosted, or Hacker News
  4. Write content for your own blog or website, and let us know